
From Frontier Station


Shortly after you board the Frontier Prime, The Shipyard Computers are where most adventures will start. There are multiple different kinds of shipyards, outlined below, they all share some base functionality and the ability to purchase a different array of ships.

ID Card & PDA

All Shipyards will require a player to insert their ID card from their PDA into the machine. The console imprints a Ship Deed onto the ID card, holding information such as the name and serial number (entity uid) and callsign of the ship itself. Do not lose this ID card! You will need to insert your ID card to sell your ship later on in the shift, in the event you end your round early or are looking to upgrade. Some Captains will even stash their ID card in a safe, secure location, in the event of catastrophic failure or total crew death.

Bank Account & Purchasing

All Shipyards will interface directly with a player's NT Galactic Bank account. Funds are automatically withdrawn to pay for ships. Selling a ship back to the shipyard will also automatically deposit the funds into your bank account. When selling your ship, the Shipyard will appraise the value of your entire ship, including anything added or removed in the course of your adventures. That means getting your money quickly can be a breeze at the end of the shift, but often you can earn much more for the same items if sold to a Cargo Depot or similar.

To clarify on selling ship. Buy price is base appraisal of the ship +15-25% depending on ship maker. While Sell price is calculated on all grid contents the same as the Cargo Depot but at 100% value.

For Expedition ships standard buy price is ~30% on top of base appraisal.

Callsigns & Locating your Ship

Each ship has a name along with their Company Callsign and Unique ID number; All ships fitted with an IFF & (BLANK) are shown on Mass Scanners. Each ship is typically displayed on a Mass Scanner in the order of; Company Callsign, Ship Name, Unique ID number. Recent changes to the displays on Mass Scanners have dropped the Company Callsign from the Radar visibility, but each ship still retains it in their designations.

These are listed as for example if you buy a NT KESTREL, on mass scanner it will show was KESTREL-###, where ### is the number given when you purchase the ship.

As of recently, you can rename your ships for the duration of your shift. This can be done by going to the local Station Representative Office at Frontier Station and requesting they change your ship's designation to almost whatever you desire.

Company Callsigns

Company Callsigns;
Callsign Company Ships Founder CEO (IC) Maintainer
NT Nanotrasen 18 SS13 CentCom Checkraze
KC KesCo 6* Kes Kessandra Hart SungYandy
SLI Salami Lid Initiative 2 Minty-Moo Nadia MacMeow
KL 1
NC Nanotrasen Civilian 10
NM Nanotrasen Medical 3
NR Nanotrasen Research 3
NSF Nanotrasen Security Force 13
SV Salvage Vessels 3
TC 1
DC DarinCorp 1 DarinCorp ??? Dvir01
UAC Ultimate Atmosian Coalition 2 router ??? Cuir
SBB BlueBird Shipbuilding 6 Arimah / Tych0 Tee Vogel / Aila Azure Arimah / Tych0
SSS Settler's Shuttle Syndicate 1 Amfai (Buyrcsp2) ??? Settler Amfai (Buyrcsp2)

With their respective Callsigns: KC is KesCo, NT is Nanotransen and SLI is Salami Lid Initiative, the future possibilities of companies such IRC, MYC..

Civilian Shipyard

This is the starting shipyard, and is available on Frontier Prime to all players. The ships sold from this shipyard are standard issue and typically come suited for at least one profitable task.

  • No Hidden Costs or Fees
  • No Implied Contracts or Stipulations
  • Available to all players at the beginning of the round.

Available Ships

Civilian Shipyard Ships
Name Recommended Crew Size Size Roles Cost Power Type
NC Barge 3-6 Medium Cargo Tech, Bartender, Salvage, Q.M $47,000 Plasma/Solar
NC Mail Truck 1-2 Small Mail Carrier $10150 Plasma
NC Bocadillo 1-2 Small Chef $25,000 Plasma
NC Personal Transport 1-3 Small Passenger $17,500 Plasma
NC Prospector 1-3 Small Salvage $24,500 Plasma
NC Skipper 1-3 Small Botanist, Chef $33,000 Plasma
NR Sparrow 1-4 Small Scientist, Engineer $41,000 Plasma
NR Investigator 1-2 Small Salvage, Scientist, Bartender $42,100 Plasma
NT Construct 1 Small Passenger $10,500 Plasma
NT Honker 1+ Small Clown $22,500 Plasma
NC Legman 1+ Small Reporter $13,000 Plasma
NC Loader 1-2 Small Cargo Tech $22,000 Plasma
NT Liquidator 1+ Small Janitor, Atmos Tech, Chemist $30,750 Plasma
NC Harbormaster 1+ Small Pilot $31,500 Plasma
NC Placebo 1+ Small Psychologist $20,000 Plasma
KL Bulker 2-4 Medium Salvage $47,500 Uranium
SLI Bazaar 2-4 Medium Q.M, Cargo Tech, Mercenary, Service Worker $80,000 AME
NR Phoenix 2-4 Medium Salvage, Scientist, R.D, Cyborg $64,000 Plasma
NT Kestrel 2-6 Medium Salvage $52,200 Plasma
NT Crescent 6+ Large Bartender, Chef, Doctor, Chemist, Engineer, Atmos Tech, Scientist,

Musician, Q.M, Lawyer, Janitor, R.D, C.M.O, Mercenary

$350,020 AME
NT Comet 3-6 Medium Engineer, Passenger $55,000 AME
ICR Chisel 2-4 Small Salvage $34,615 Plasma
NC Pioneer 1 Small Salvage $11,250 Plasma
NR Spectre 4-5 Large R.D, Scientist, Bartender $185,000 AME
NT Stellaris 2-5 Medium Musician, Clown, Mime, Chef, Doctor $48,000 Plasma
NC Lantern 2-3 Medium Pilot, Chaplain $37,500 Solar/Plasma
NC Kilderkin 2-4 Medium Pilot, Mercenary, Bartender, Botanist $48,750 Plasma
NC Hauler 3-6 Medium Cargo Tech, Bartender, Cargo Tech, Q.M $77,000 Uranium
SBB Ceres 2-5 Medium Contractor, Pilot, Mercenary $60,000 Uranium
DC McCargo 3-6 Medium Pilot, Chef, Junitor, Botanist, Cargo Tech, Q.M, Cyborg $80,000 AME
HS Garden 1-2 Small Botanist, Pilot $28,000 Plasma
SBB Lyrae 2-4 Medium Contractor, Pilot, Mercenary $60,000 AME
NC Piecrust 1-2 Small Chef, Pilot $35,000 Plasma
SBB Bookworm 1-3 Medium Contractor, Pilot, Mercenary $31,500 Plasma
NT Vagabond 2-6 Medium Cargo Tech, Engineer, Salvage, Quartermaster $60,000 Plasma
DC Cleithro? 1-2 Medium Psychologist $30000 Welder Fuel
SBB Hammer 1-2 Medium Contractor, Pilot, Mercenary $44,000 Plasma
SBB Bodkin 1-3 Small Salvage, Pilot $39,000 Uranium
SSS Camper 1+ Small Pilot $14,000 Plasma

Medical Shipyard

The medical shipyard can be found at the Medical Dispatch. All ships found here are either for medical responses or other similar emergency responses.

Available Ships

Medical Shipyard Ships
Name Recommended Crew Size Size Roles Cost Power Type
NM Spirit 1 Small Paramedic $18,500 Plasma
SBB Tyne 1-2 Small Paramedic, Pilot $20,750 Plasma
NM Searchlight 1-3 Small Pilot, Paramedic, Engineer $30,000 Plasma
NM Apothecary 1-2 Small Medical, Chemistry $36,500 Uranium
UW Akupara 1-3 Medium Botanist, Atmos Tech, Chemist $51,000 Uranium
NM Stasis 1-3 Medium Medical, Cryogenics, Chemistry, Botany $56,000 Plasma
NM Eagle 3-5 Medium Chemist, Doctor, Paramedic, Pilot, Engineer $60,000 Plasma
SBI Beaker? 2-4 Small Chemist $65,000 Uranium
NM Caduceus 4-8 Large Paramedic, C.M.O, Doctor, Chemist, Cyborg, Engineer, Medical Intern $115,000 AME

Expedition Shipyard

The expedition shipyard can be found in the Expedition Lounge. All ships found here are capable of Expeditions.

Available Ships

Expedition Shipyard Ships
Name Recommended Crew Size Size Roles Cost Power Type
NT Pathfinder 2-4 Small Salvage $52,920 AME
NT Sprinter 3-6 Medium Bartender, Paramedic, Mercenary, Salvage $56,800 AME
NT Anchor 4-8 Large Salvage, Chaplain, Bartender, Chef, Doctor, Atmos Tech, Engineer, Service Worker $140,000 AME
SLI Gourd 4-8 Large Atmos Tech, Engineer, Scientist, R.D, Chef, Bartender, Salvage, Janitor, Musician $150,000 AME
DYS Dove 2-6 Medium Engineer, Salvage, Cyborg $78,500 AME
DYS Dragonfly 2-5 Medium Cargo Tech, Salvage, Chemist, Engineer, Service Worker $81,000 AME
UAC Ambition 4-8 Large Pilot, Chief Engineer, Atmospherics Technician, Engineer, Salvage Specialist $156,000 AME
NT Gasbender 3-6 Medium Atmos Tech, C.E, Cyborg, Paramedic, Engineer $82,500 AME
LVHI Brigand 3-6 Medium Contractor, Pilot, Mercenary $55,500 AME

Scrapyard Shipyard

The scrapyard shipyard can be found at Grifty's Gas and Grub. All ships found here either require repair or can best be described as 'technically spaceworthy hunks of scrap'.

Available Ships

Scrapyard Shipyard Ships
Name Recommended Crew Size Size Roles Cost Power Type
NT Bison 4-8 Large Salvage, Paramedic, Engineer, Atmos Tech, Chef $166138 Plasma
SV Nugget 1-2 Small $15950 Plasma
SV Orange 1-2 Small $16000 Uranium
SV Tide 1-2 Small Passenger $9700 Plasma
UAC Canister 1-2 Small $8000 Plasma
NSV Disciple 1+ Small $11300 Plasma
SV Point 1-3 Small $16100 Plasma

Security Shipyard

This is the starting Security forces shipyard, and is where the NFSD will purchase their ships. The ships in here are typically specially designed for a certain style of security play. Purchasing a security ship binds you to uphold space law and the server rules.

  • No hidden costs or fees
  • Incredibly cheap to run (cost is near market value)
  • Binds you to service in the NFSD, must uphold Space Law
  • Available only to security forces

Available Ships

Security Shipyard Ships
Name Recommended Crew Size Size Roles Cost Power Type IFF Console
NSF Interceptor 1-2 Small Detective, Security Officer $21,350 Plasma Yes
NSF Cleric 1 Small Brig Medic $10800 APU No
NSF Rogue 1-2 Small Security Officer $8200 APU No
NSF Fighter 1 Small Security Officer, Prison Guard $9000 APU Yes
NSF Hospitaller 1-3 Small Brig Medic $28,220 APU No
NSF Templar 1-3 Small Security Officer $24,220 APU No
NSF Inquisitor 1-3 Small Security Officer, Warden, Detective $29000 Plasma No
NSF Broadhead 2-4 Medium Detective, Security Officer $60,000 AME Yes
NSF Prowler 3-6 Medium Security Officer, Warden $42,000 AME Yes
NSF Marauder 4-8 Large Security Officer, Brig Medic, Warden, Chef $111550 AME No
NSF Empress 4-8 Large Prison Guard, Deputy, Bailiff, Brig Medic, Chef $170,000 AME No
NSF Wasp 4-8 Large Security Officer, Warden, Prison Guard, Brigemdic $135,000 AME No

Black Market Shipyard

These shipyard consoles will be rare and often hard to find. They also will charge a fairly steep fee to sell a ship to one of these hidden shipyards. Many of these ships are uniquely designed and outfitted to assist in not-as-legal activities. Owning one of these vessels could make you liable to search, asset seizure, and likely continued harassment from Security.

  • Up to 30% or more tax to sell ships here
  • Hidden away from security forces
  • Exclusive Ship options
  • Can be considered contraband
  • Often loaded with antag goodies

Available Ships

Black Market Shipyard Ships
Name Recommended Crew Size Size Roles Cost Power Type Expedition Capable IFF Console
Schooner 2-4 Medium None $39120 Uranium No Yes
Hunter 1-4 Small None $46000 Plasma No Yes
Menace 1-2 Small Pilot, Mercenary $76000 AME No Yes
Infiltrator 2-5 Medium None $64000 AME Yes Yes

Retired Ships

Gone, but hopefully not forgotten. These ships have been removed from their shipyards for any number of various reasons. Their listing here remains as a reminder of their existence in Frontier's history, and as a testament to the work done by Contributors gone-by. Know that the appreciation for your efforts remains even if your ship is no longer in service. Thank you.

  • Cost: Priceless
  • Hidden away from all but the most ghostly
  • Few Ships Retired
  • Can be considered contraband (why do you have one?)
  • Often loaded with remnants of prior Ship guidelines.

Unavailable Ships

Retired Ships
Name Crew Size Creator Size Roles Cost Power Type Expedition Capable IFF Console
NM Helix 2-4 Checkraze Small Paramedic, C.M.O, Doctor, Chemist $44,600 Plasma No No
NM Pulse 1-2 Checkraze Small Paramedic $20,500 Plasma No No
NC Mission 1-2 kennedytcooper Small Janitor, Chaplain $19,000 Plasma No No
NC WaveShot 1+ Lokey82 Small Reporter $37,500 Plasma No No
TC Metastable 3-6 Temoffy Medium Scientist, Chef, Doctor, Chemist, Engineer, Passenger, Cyborg $89,000 AME No No
NT Esquire 2-4 terezi4real Medium Lawyer, Prison Guard, Prisoner $38,500 Plasma/RTG No No
NR Condor 2-6 Checkraze Medium Engineer, Scientist, R.D, CE, Atmos Tech, Cyborg $72,890 Plasma/Solar No No
NR Stratos 2-6 GreaseMonk Medium Pilot, Salvage, Bartender, Scientist, Engineer $90,000 AME No No
NT Rosebud MK I 2-6 rosieposieeee Medium Salvage, Paramedic, Engineer, Clown, Musician $92,115 Solar/Welding Fuel No No
SSC KnuckleVerse 2-6 Batuh1n Medium Pilot, Janitor, Boxer, Bartender, Doctor $36,500 Plasma No No
NT Courser-X 3-6 Checkraze Medium Salvage, Mercenary, Engineer, Paramedic, Bartender $68,650 AME Yes No
NT Rosebud MK II 3-6 rosieposieeee Medium Salvage, Paramedic, C.E, Doctor, Chemist $138,000 AME/Solar/Welding Fuel Yes No
USS Mayflower 2-4 VividPups Medium Mercenary, Doctor $50,000 AME Yes No
NSF Whiskey 2-4 cite2000 Medium Brig Medic $55,000 Plasma No No
NT Praeda 4-8 drhat Large Salvage, Bartender, Paramedic, Mercenary, Engineer, Q.M, C.E, Cargo Tech $150,000 AME Yes No
NT Dart-X 3-6 Medium Clown, Engineer, Mercenary, Paramedic, Bartender $80,500 AME Yes No
Placeholder # Author (GitHub) Sml/Med/Lrg Jobs (defunct) $ Power Yes/No Yes/No
  • = ship needs image

? = roles need verifying

± = table needs standardizing

(Use the Ship Template page to quickly build new ship pages)