You might also want to read NFSDSOP
Within Nanotrasen, all vessels inside Nanotrasen space or registered under Nanotrasen operate under abbreviated Space Law. All crew, passengers, and visitors aboard a Nanotrasen vessel, within Nanotrasen space or in the employ of Nanotrasen are beholden to this law and expected to follow it. Common sense knowledge should be sufficient to not break the law, the details are of particular importance to New Frontier Sheriffs Department and Station Administration.
Basic Rights
Granted by Space Law to all Nanotrasen employees are the following basic rights:
- Nanotrasen shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the employees peaceably to assemble, and to petition Nanotrasen for a redress of grievances.
- The right of the employees to be secure in their persons, vessels, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.
- Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
- In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed 50,000 Spesos, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved.
- In all capital crime prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an arbitration except wherein the accused obstructs the pursuit of justice.
Sheriff's Authority
The Sheriff of the New Frontier Sector is the premier authority for Space Law across the entire sector, and answers directly to Central Command. The Sheriff is the leader of the New Frontier Sheriffs Department, and is accountable for hiring, firing, demoting or promoting members of the NFSD as well as handling their pay.
The Sheriff, and in their absence any Station Representative, are able to post criminal bounties which may be pursued by any registered bounty hunters or vigilantes within the sector. Bounties must be posted with the crime they had committed, who the affected parties are, and a reasonable bounty fund which is reasonable to pay by station funding. Fines collected may be used to pay for the bounty, but assets seized may not.
The Sheriff, and in their absence any Station Representative, may pardon employees accused or sentenced for crimes if deemed in the best interest of the sector. Only misdemeanor and felony crimes may be pardoned. Central Command must be contacted to receive permission to pardon a capital crime. The Sheriff may be held legally responsible for criminal actions committed by those who they pardon. Pardons must be announced via the communications console whenever they are performed.
Captain's Authority
The Captain of a Nanotrasen vessel is the premier authority for Space Law aboard their vessel in the absence of the NFSD, although they are held accountable for their actions by their crew and by the NFSD. Afforded to them are both the right to execute members of the crew, within just circumstances, as well as the ability to hire, fire, demote, or promote crew members at will.
Execution Privileges
The Captain of a Nanotrasen vessel may perform executions without the need for a trial under certain circumstances. This means they have the authority to personally execute any member of their crew unless they're already in the custody of the NFSD. These circumstances would be threats to:
- Authority: Attempting or threatening to undermine the Captain's command, with the capabilities to do so, via illegal means.
- Command: Attempting or threatening to cause bodily harm to the Captain or a member of command while in the Captain's presence, and has the capability to do so.
- Vessel: Attempting or threatening to cause physical damage to the vessel while in the Captain's presence, and has the capability to do so.
When an execution is carried out, the Sector Sheriff's Department must be notified of the death via fax, detailing the reason for execution, the time of execution, and all witnesses present for the execution. This must be done in a timely manner, else such death will be declared as murder.
If the Captain is found, by a member or members of their crew, to be in violation of Space Law then they may start a lawful mutiny. A mutiny is defined as a coordinated effort to lawfully depose the Captain of a Nanotrasen vessel for committing unlawful acts. In the event of a mutiny, loyalists are tasked with subduing the mutineers with non-lethal force, and should not resort to lethal measures even if ordered to by the Captain, except in acts of self-preservation. The NFSD must be called to take custody of the Captain.
- If the Mutiny is unsuccessful, only the crewmembers who led the mutiny may receive an execution sentencing while all mutineers may be demoted and/or placed in Extended Confinement.
- If the Mutiny is successful, the crewmembers who led the mutiny may select the new Captain. The new Captain would ultimately decide the fate of the old Captain.
When a mutiny begins, the crewmembers starting the mutiny must send a message to admins to notify the admin staff of what is about to occur, although prior authorization is not required. If the mutiny is called into action without a good roleplay reason, participants may risk being banned.
Legal Ethics
A lawyer has a paramount duty to the court. Any statement made by a lawyer cannot knowingly be false, or induce the court into error. If a lawyer becomes aware that a statement made earlier is no longer true, or was never true, then they must inform the court as soon as practicable.
A lawyer has a duty to their client. They must act on the instructions of their client, zealously advocate for their client and they must maintain the confidentiality of anything their client has said, provided that the client hasn't expressly waived that confidentiality. Evidence that is a result of a breach of confidentiality cannot be used in court to convict a person or charge them with an offence. The duty of confidentiality persists even after the lawyer no longer represents the client.
If there is a conflict between a lawyer's duty to the court and to their client, then the lawyer must withdraw from the matter and stop representing that client. An example of this is if a client admits to a crime to the lawyer and then insists on instructing the lawyer to tell the court that the client is innocent. This is because the lawyer would be telling the court that the client did not do the crime when they know that is a false statement. A plea of not guilty does not attract this problem, since a guilty plea is a statement that guilt cannot be proven beyond reasonable doubt.
Legal Status
New Frontier Sheriffs Department
The New Frontier Sheriffs Department (NFSD) is the premier law enforcement body active within the New Frontier sector.
The NFSD hold the capability to detain an individual under suspicion of criminal acts. A person that is reasonably suspected of having committed a crime may be detained. In detainment, the crewman is held on-site or moved to a safer location, may be restrained at officer’s discretion and will remain as such for the time necessary for Security to determine the circumstances of the incident and whether to effect an arrest or not. A detainee may be either released or arrested.
The NFSD hold the capability to arrest an individual for criminal acts. An arrest will occur when a detainee is being charged with criminal acts. The charges have to be pressed by any member of Security or crew at large. Additionally, the Sheriff, or lacking one, the Station Representative, may issue an arrest warrant with probable cause, taking full responsibility for the warrant being lawful. When arrested, the perpetrator is taken to a secure vessel for interrogation and processing.
The NFSD holds a class 2 weaponry license and may be authorized to use lethal force to the extent necessary to render opponents combat-ineffective while at a severe tactical disadvantage or under threat to the sector as a whole. The NFSD holds the authority to police the space within the New Frontier sector and are authorized to engage and subdue any threats against the station, crews, the sector, of Nanotrasen at large.
Members of the NFSD, if given a felony level charge or above, or are found to be acting in a manner unbecoming of an officer of the law, must be removed from service and demoted to standard New Frontier personnel access.
All synthetic entities, including, but not limited to, robots, cyborgs and drones, issued by Nanotrasen, created by Nanotrasen employees or on board a Nanotrasen vessel are considered property of Nanotrasen, regardless of their origin or cognitive status. To damage or destroy a synthetic is treated as damage of company property and persecuted accordingly.
All service animals, familiars, and pets, issued by Nanotrasen, created by Nanotrasen employees or on board a Nanotrasen vessel are considered property of Nanotrasen, regardless of their origin or cognitive status. To damage or destroy any companions is treated as damage of company property and persecuted accordingly.
All explosives, including but not limited to chemical, biological, electromagnetic, or thermonuclear, when onboard or docked to a NFSD vessel or New Frontier station, are illegal for possession by Nanotrasen employees except in cases where they are being held for transfer to secured storage, or in use by security personnel for their authorized purpose.
All narcotics, including but not limited to space drugs, desoxyephedrine, stimulants, or any narcotics to the same or similar effect, are illegal for possession by Nanotrasen employees except in cases where they are produced by a licensed chemist, approved by Station Administration, and provided to a patient with a prescription or in the chemist's secure storage. Only the prescription owner or chemist may possess said narcotics.
Classification of Contraband
Class 1 Contraband contains all lethal, less than lethal and non-lethal weapons not otherwise covered by higher classifications. Class 1 contraband includes but is not limited to gunpowder weapons, cold weapons, laser weapons and magic.
Crewmembers retain a right to purchase, acquire and use class 1 contraband for lawful purposes. Any item used to commit a felony or capital crime is classified as class 1 contraband. If class 1 contraband is used for a felony or capital offence, the impugned contraband is to be permanently seized.
Class 2 Contraband contains: all explosive devices not otherwise covered by higher classifications; objects which can be used to non-destructively or non-invasively gain unauthorized access to Nanotrasen secured areas; exclusively restricted and/or authorized use weapons or equipment, uniforms and EMPs; and, security vessels.
Class 2 contraband may only be used by command and security personnel, or personnel with written authorization from the NFSD Sheriff. Possession of class 2 contraband is otherwise an offence governed by the misdemeanor or felony possession laws.
Class 3 contains the following items, not limited to the provided examples:
All explosives of the following:
- covert (mine, hot potato, explosive pen);
- timed or activation triggered (c4);
- highly destructive (nuclear bomb & syndicate bomb).
For the sake of understandability it's assumed if an item is not produced, manufactured, nor distributed by Nanotrasen then it will be categorized as either hostile corporate or non-corporate.
The following is a set of examples and does not exist as a completed list:
- Hostile corporate or non-corporate clothing and symbols (Non-Nanotrasen issued scarves, jumpsuits, hats, headbands, pens, cigarettes, figurines, etc.).
- Hostile corporate or non-corporate technology (Syndicate uplink, telecrystals, agent IDs, encryption keys, weapons, radio jammers, black market vessels, implants, etc.).
- Hostile corporate or non-corporate hardsuits, or restricted/classified hardsuits.
- Hostile corporate or non-corporate implants (storage, holoparasites, etc.).
- Automatic or high caliber weapons (wt-550, c-20, L6-Saw, Pirate Cannon, X-ray Cannon, etc.).
- Un-prescribed narcotics (meth, stimulants, etc.).
No person or vessel is to have class 3 contraband at any time. Note that automatic or high caliber weapons which may be found stocked in a security armory or are acquired from the FUC catalogue are considered class 2 contraband. Possession of class 3 contraband is an offence governed by the misdemeanor or felony possession laws. For the purposes of removing a holoparasite, security may kill those in possession of holoparasite contraband by temporary execution, immediately thereafter taking all steps to clone them.
Warrants, Stops, Searches and Seizures
A personnel search is a seizure of the objects in a person's vessel, backpack, hands, coat, belt and pockets. If any contraband is found during a search the officer may choose to further the search into a detainment or simply confiscate the restricted items. After the search is conducted all legal items are to be returned to the person.
The right of the employees to be secure in their persons, vessels, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. Potential grievances and suspicions of unlawful proceedings and maltreatment are to be directed up the Chain of Command and resolved judicially, enlisting legal counsel, if available.
A warrant is a signed document stating security may search a specific person or place, and must contain things to be seized.. A warrant regarding a personnel requested by an officer may be approved by the Station Representative, Sheriff or the Captain of the person being searched. A Captain may give permission for security personnel to search their ship, but must sign a warrant if they wish to authorize security personnel to search their crewmembers. An authorized person may only sign a warrant if they are satisfied, on the information put before them, that there is a reasonable basis that the execution of the warrant would assist in the investigation of a crime. The authorized person signing the warrant takes full responsibility that the warrant is lawful, and may be subject to demotion or a pecuniary penalty if the power is abused. The process of physically writing a warrant may be disregarded if the appropriate command member accompanies the officers throughout their search.
Reasonable Basis
Security personnel have the power to stop and search personnel without a warrant if they suspect, on reasonable grounds, that the person is carrying stolen items, class 2 or class 3 contraband, or any item recently used in the commission of a crime. This power only extends to the search of vessels if the security personnel suspect, on a reasonable basis, that a crime is actively being committed aboard a vessel, otherwise a warrant or alert level is required. (Example: a known pirate ship cannot be stopped on the mere suspicion of carrying goods recently relieved of their prior owners.)
Maritime Legal Status
Foreign Vessels
None of the below provisions, or any other provisions of Space Law, apply to vessels under the flag of an organisation at war with Nanotrasen, parties that have attacked a Nanotrasen facility or vessels engaged in blatant criminal activity of a capital degree, except in cases where they are operating within Nanotrasen space.
The station is encouraged to allow non-hostile visitors permission to dock or otherwise come aboard during normal operating conditions. They may be searched upon arrival and escorted at the discretion of the NFSD. The visitor may request asylum, which is at a Station Representative's discretion to decide, and they will be given as much or as little access throughout the vessel as a Station Representative deems fit.
All visitors aboard a Nanotrasen vessel are subject to Space Law, and should a visitor break the law and flee aboard their own vessel, The NFSD is authorized to board it in pursuit. Nanotrasen employees aboard a foreign vessel are subject to their laws and policy.
If an individual commits a crime aboard a Nanotrasen station and then flees to an unaffiliated party's vessel, the Captain of that vessel is authorized to grant or deny asylum. Foreign vessels' sovereignty must be observed and any decisions of their command to deny or restrict entry are to be respected.
Merchant Vessels
Merchant vessels are defined as those, regardless of origin, that are unarmed and operating in space for the intents and purposes of conducting lawful trade. An unarmed vessel should not be attacked without warning. It can be fired on only if it repeatedly fails to stop when ordered to do so or resists being boarded by an attacking vessel. The armed vessel may only intend to search for contraband (such as war materials, Nanotrasen contraband, etc.) when stopping a merchant vessel. The ship may be allowed to leave, if not affiliated with enemies of Nanotrasen, after removal of any contraband.
However, adequate steps must be taken to ensure the safety of the crew. In cases where a merchant vessel's crew is harmed in an act of boarding, efforts must be made to rescue, resuscitate, and clone them. This would usually mean taking the crew on board and transporting them to a safe port. This can only be done if they can be expected to reach safety by themselves and have sufficient supplies and navigational equipment to do so.
In essence, a non-hostile vessel that surrenders, cannot be killed, left for stranded, completely bankrupt, or otherwise. The safety of non-hostile merchant vessels is to be guaranteed by all parties. All vessels being boarded in a hostile manner must first negotiate before any hostile actions.
Belligerent Vessels
A belligerent vessel, or one operating under the banner of an enemy of Nanotrasen, is not protected by the same cruiser rules as merchant vessels. These banners include but are not limited to, pirates, syndicate, wizards federation, or any imminently dangerous alien species, and these vessels would be classified as belligerent if within Nanotrasen space and conducting hostile operations.
Anything involving the unlawful assault of Nanotrasen employees, property, or vessels will result in a vessel being classified as belligerent, and the NSFD are authorized to use full force to stop the vessel as required.
In criminal prosecution, a trial cannot be requested when only Misdemeanor charges are being pressed. The defendant may request a trial when Felony charges are being pressed but are called to order at the discretion and ability of the potential Judge. If the defendant is accused of a Capital Crime, they are entitled to trial. Legal counsel is not required to stand trial.
The format of the trial is to be an Arbitration court hearing, presided by a Judge that is typically a Station Representative or Sheriff. Should no Frontier Command Staff be available but a trial needs to be held, it is permissible to grant a temporary promotion to the position of Head of Courtroom, with the access and privileges equivalent to Sheriff, who shall preside over the trial and shall be granted this commission for the time and purpose of holding the trial.
In this hearing, the Judge directly examines the defendant and a representative of the prosecution best familiar with the case to present their case on why the defendant should be cleared or convicted of their charges. The trial is expected to last no longer than 20 minutes, with either party not being allowed longer than 6 minutes to present their case.
Extensions may only be requested with reason and are granted at the discretion of the Judge. Conflict of Interest may only be applied when the Judge can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt to obtain strictly personal gain from either verdict or when the Prosecutor may be proven such gain from a Not Guilty verdict.
In the event that the defendant is held in contempt of court, the necessity of a trial may be waived and judgement may be passed by the Judge without a hearing.
Trials may also be held for civil disputes, requested by any crewman against any other, preferably presided by the Sheriff or any Station Representative. In cases where the civil dispute is in regards to a total value of 50,000 Spesos or greater a trial by jury must be utilized.
Pressing Charges
A person may be charged with a crime if and when it can be argued beyond a reasonable doubt to have committed an act in the nature and fashion described by a particular criminal charge.
Multiple counts of one crime can be charged. For illegal actions against the station abroad, each incident separated by a reasonable period of inaction, lawful conduct, or another crime is interpreted as one count. For crimes directly bereaving a person (violent acts, theft of personal property etc.), the same applies in addition to each victim being one count.
Charges that are a direct escalation of one another in nature cannot be simultaneously held against the perpetrator if they pertain to the same incident and the same victim/item (if applicable). Then, only the most severe of these charges apply.
In sentencing a crime, it is recommended to defer to the Bailiff or Sheriff, however, any NFSD Deputy is authorized to pass a sentence. If none of either are available, any Station Representative may pass a sentence.
The precise sentence is determined by the person passing the sentence and is at their discretion, though may be overruled by one higher up Chain of Command. They are encouraged to use common sense in weighing the punishment against the severity of each charge separately as it is being applied, taking into account the broader circumstances of the crime and the modifiers further below.
- In setting punishment, the charge with the highest minimum punishment is applied first (primary charge) by sentencing brig time anywhere from minimum to maximum of the primary charge, then every other charge sentenced applies at the minimum for each charge. (compounded charge).
- Punishments outside of brig time (mind break, mandatory counsel) cannot be applied partially, save for Demotion. If listed as Minimum, they must be applied, whether primary or compounded. If listed as Maximum, it is applied at discretion.
- If the total brig sentence would exceed 45 minutes, the NFSD is fully authorized and recommended to upgrade the sentence to Extended Confinement, regardless of any punishment limits.
- Once the sentence commences, it must be concluded at or before the agreed time. The convict may be held responsible for any crime they commit while serving their sentence.
Sentence Modifiers
When applying charges, certain circumstances can apply, altering the severity of the punishment. In the event such circumstances would result in release or Extended Confinement, the sentencing should be deferred to the ranking member of the NFSD if at all possible.
Principals and Accessories to a Crime
All of the following persons may be charged for the commission of a crime. The degree of involvement is a sentencing consideration.
- Principal: Has committed a crime.
- Solicitation: Encouraging, bribing, requesting, or instructing someone to commit a crime, with the intent that the person being solicited commit the crime.
- Accessory: Assisting in the commission of a crime, without participating in the crime itself, knowing that a crime will be, has been, or is being committed.
- Attempts: Attempting to commit a crime, with the intent to carry out that crime.
- Conspiracy: Planning to commit a crime, with the intent to eventually carry out that crime
Self Defense
A person is not guilty of an offence if they reasonably believed that the offending was necessary for the following:
- To protect their life, or the life of others.
- To emancipate themselves, or another person, from unlawful imprisonment.
- To protect their property, or that of another person.
- To prevent criminal trespass onto their vessel.
A person is not entitled to rely on self-defense of property when the criminal charge is murder. If an accused raises self-defense, the prosecution must disprove the elements of self-defense beyond reasonable doubt in order to convict the accused.
If a person honestly believes their acts are necessary for self-defense but the belief is not reasonable in the circumstances as the accused knew them at the time, then it acts as a mitigating factor in sentencing or lowers a murder conviction to a manslaughter conviction.
A person is not guilty of an offence if they reasonably believed the offending was necessary in order to avert a greater and imminent peril. This peril must have affected the accused or someone in their charge, they must have honestly believed that their offending was necessary in order to avoid that peril and the offending must not be out of proportion to the peril avoided.
A person is not guilty of an offence if they were coerced into the commission of the offence, fearing an immediate apprehension of death or serious injury from the person coercing them.
Aggravating Factors
These factors may be used to increase brig time, depending on the actions of the offender.
- Recidivism: To be arrested, charged and convicted for criminal behavior multiple times within one shift.
- Aggravation: To commit a crime with reckless abandon, clear signs of lack of regret or remorse or with particularly severe implications for the community.
Recidivism may be punished by significantly increasing overall brig time. Aggravation warrants more severe punishment on every charge where it applies.
Extenuating Factors
These factors may be used to reduce brig time, depending on the actions of the offender.
- Cooperation: Sharing actionable intelligence with the authorities, turning oneself in, confessing to crime. An early guilty plea entitles an offender to a mandatory 25% discount to their sentence.
- Good Behavior: Peaceful compliance with the NFSD, clear signs of remorse concerning committed crime, peaceful conduct in brig.
The NFSD is fully authorized to post fines for any damages caused to Nanotrasen property or employees. Should a total sentence be 20 minutes or less, the Bailiff or Sheriff may authorize a fine to be posted instead with an exchange rate of 2,000 Spesos per 1 minute of sentence. Any sentence exceeding 20 minutes may not used to give a fine. If fines are paid in this manner, no jail time should be utilized. Fines and jail time cannot be split, the sentence must either be a fine or jail time.
Seizure of Assets
The NFSD may search and seize property, belongings, papers, objects, assets, and vessels for the purpose of making victims of a crime whole or to pay for an outstanding fine or used to pay bail bonds. The total value of assets seized, if exceeding the amount necessary to make a victim of a crime whole, must be returned to the original owner.
Community Service
At the behest of the Bailiff or Sheriff, a prisoner may be granted community service as a replacement for brig time. This community service will be unpaid, overseen by a parole officer, and may only be granted for non-violent offenders.
Treatment Of Prisoners
Prisoners still have certain rights that must be upheld by law enforcement:
- Prisoners must be granted adequate medical care. They should also be proffered counseling if available.
- Prisoners must be provided access to the common radio channel so long as it is not abused. Department encryption is not allowed for prisoners to have.
- Prisoners must be granted clothing, food, water, shelter and safety. If the brig is no longer safe, confinement must be established in another location.
- Prisoners may request legal counsel, if available.
- Prisoners should be granted freedom of movement unless there is an undue risk to life and limb. Similarly, any prisoners held in Extended Confinement should not be confined to a solitary cell unless they pose a risk to life and limb.
- Prisoners sentenced to execution via a trial may request the method of execution. These options are limited to spacing, electrocution, firing squad, or lethal injection.
Extended Confinement
Prisoners in Extended Confinement have certain rights but also more firm restrictions that must be upheld by law enforcement:
- Prisoners who repeatedly cause damage to their holding cell, to a degree that makes it unreasonable to hold prisoners and in an attempt to escape, may be executed without trial.
- Prisoners who repeatedly cause significant bodily harm to their fellow inmates may be executed without trial.
- Prisoners may request or may otherwise be given parole or bail without prompt by the Bailiff or Sheriff.
- Prisoners are allowed visitors but only one individual can visit them every 20 minutes, a reason must be provided for the visit and the visitor must consent to a search of their belongings.
Criminal Charges
Capital Punishments
- Execution: Termination of life. Whenever an execution is performed, regardless of trial or not, a communications console announcement must be made detailing who was executed and why they were executed.
- Exfiltration: Immediate retrieval of a High-Value Target via a Central Command dispatched prisoner transport.
- Decorporealization: Stripping of the convict’s mind off their own body into a more restrictive, less capable form.
Normal Punishments
- Brigging: Confinement in the brig for a period of time.
- Extended Confinement: Confinement until the end of shift.
- Demotion: Revoking or downgrading an individual’s employment contract and revoking access accordingly.
- Fining: To be charged a monetary value, and paid through Spesos or assets seized.
- Community Service: To be forced to work, without pay, by completing assigned tasks at the requirement of Frontier Command Staff.
- Catch & Release: To be taken into NFSD Custody, processed, searched, but then released. This is not the same as dropping or clearing charges.
Capital Crimes
Offense | Definition | Minimum Punishment | Maximum Punishment | Notes |
Murder | To kill a sapient being with malicious intent and premeditation. |
The cold-blooded intent to kill is key. |
Grand Theft | To steal a vessel or items valued over 150,000 Spesos. |
Any vessel, regardless of price, is classified as Grand Theft when stolen. |
Grand Sabotage | To engage in malicious destructive actions, seriously threatening vessels or stations. |
Bombing, arson, releasing viruses, deliberate spacing, releasing dangerous gasses or electrifying doors. |
Terrorism | To engage in maliciously destructive actions which make uninhabitable or inoperable a vessel or its part with intent to cause fear in the sector. |
Focus on the intent and consequences present and/or potential. |
Kidnapping | To unlawfully remove or confine an individual against their will. |
Note the unlawful part. |
Abandonment | To abandon an employee on salvage, asteroids, planets, stations, or foreign vessels with intent to leave them. |
Focus on the intent to leave them. |
Espionage | To be an unauthorized holder of classified information and/or technology, provide it to an unauthorized recipient, or to intentionally misrepresent oneself as being an employee of Nanotrasen. |
Any proprietary advanced technology sought after by Nanotrasen’s competitors is classified. |
Sedition | To act to overthrow or subvert the established Chain of Command without lawful and legitimate cause. |
Note the requirement of lack of legitimate cause. |
Sexual Harassment | To harass someone or attempt to force or coerce them into sexual relations. |
((ERP in any form is permabannable. Adminhelp this if it happens to you; it’s against server rules, not just the law.)) This law is mostly included to allow an IC way to deal with it in the event it does occur. |
Offense | Definition | Minimum Punishment | Maximum Punishment | Notes |
Unauthorized Decorporealization | To unlawfully strip a being’s mind from their own body. |
Whether the act was authorized and in what way is up to Command. When a part of a criminal sentence, it is always authorized. |
Manslaughter | To effect violence upon a person, resulting in their death. |
A death of a person that doesn’t qualify as murder and isn’t fully accidental will typically fall here. |
Robbery | To take property without consent, with the use of force. |
Should scale based on the amount of property stolen, or the amount of force used, often compounds with other crimes. |
Sabotage | To engage in malicious actions that hinder the integrity or function of a station or a vessel and/or the function of the crew. |
Note the word malicious and the lack of the word “destructive”. |
Maiming | To inflict physical injury with the intent to disfigure or impair function. |
Intent, including impassioned intent, is key. |
Battery | To effect unsolicited or unlawful physical contact with a person or to thusly administer a substance upon them, directly or indirectly. |
Battery can have a great variety of causes with a great variety of severity. Keep that in mind. |
Felony Possession | To unlawfully possess class 2 or class 3 contraband, which has been used to commit or perpetuate a felony or capital offence. |
This offence accompanies other serious offending. |
Black Marketeering | To sell or distribute restricted items or restricted/illicit substances. |
As with Possession, authorizations are determined by Frontier Command. |
Abuse of Authority | To grossly oppress an individual as someone with authority over that individual. |
Tends to compound. Note that “grossly” implies the authority is being exercised in clear excess. |
Conduct Unbecoming | To willfully abandon an obligation that is critical to the sector’s continued operation, or to disrepute Nanotrasen by grossly improper conduct. |
The disreputable conduct mostly applies to Station Administration and NFSD. |
Rioting | To engage in a public disturbance which involves damage to property. |
Similar to Battery, the severity of this crime is highly varied. |
Resisting Arrest | To intentionally and violently resist arrest or confinement. |
Violent being the key word. |
Perjury | Willfully and knowingly making a false statement about a material fact while under oath. |
This applies to contracts, court testimony, anything which requires an affirmation that all provided information is true. |
Obstruction of Justice | To willfully disobey a decree of the court or a warrant or prevent one from service. |
Judgements, warrants of all kinds… |
Offense | Definition | Minimum Punishment | Maximum Punishment | Notes |
Assault | To threaten to use physical force, or make offensive contact, against someone while also having the capability and/or intent to carry out that threat. |
Note there’s two conditions to this charge and both have to be true. |
Contempt of Court | To conduct oneself disruptively and disrespectfully before the court. |
Execution only applies if the perpetrator is the one on trial. |
Theft | To take property without consent, without use of force, and in which the value of the property taken is at least 300 spesos. |
Depends on the item taken and compounds easily. |
Animal Cruelty | To inflict unnecessary suffering on a non-sapient being with malicious intent. |
Note that to do this in line of work may be necessary. |
Endangerment | To recklessly put yourself or others in danger through your malpractice, action or inaction. |
Notice the malpractice. |
Reckless Operation | To recklessly operate machinery, vessels, weapons, or tools in a way that could reasonably cause danger or harm to themselves or another. |
It does not need to cause harm or danger, as long as it reasonably could. |
Vandalism | To intentionally deface or superficially damage property. |
Easily compounded, easily upgraded. |
Misdemeanor Possession | To unlawfully possess class 2 or class 3 contraband. |
This offence is either the solitary charge or accompanied with misdemeanor offences |
Insubordination | To disobey a lawful direct order from one’s superior officer. |
Easily compounded. |
Evading arrest | To non-violently escape or avoid arrest. |
To prevent NFSD from getting you is the main notion. Almost always compounded. |
Breaking and Entering | To trespass with the intent to commit crime. |
By definition always compounds. |
Dock Loitering | To keep a vessel next to a dock or docked for an excessive duration without a waiver from the Station Representative. |
Compounds for each 10 minutes over docked. |
Trespassing | To enter an area and refuse to leave where one is unauthorized and uninvited. |
Consequentially to B&E’s definition, never compounds. |
Hooliganism | To intentionally engage in disruptive conduct. |
This is kind of a catch all for malicious disruption that isn’t otherwise chargeable. |
Vessel Operation
Vessels operating near, to, and from Frontier Station, or are within Nanotrasen space are beholden the requirements below, regardless of origin.
Bluespace Anomalies
If the NFSD is present at a bluespace event, they may enforce a no-fly-zone up to a maximum of 300 meters for the safety of employees operating in the region. This power may only be enforced if the bluespace object is deemed as dangerous, a high value target, or people intend to use the object or contents therein for unlawful purposes.
Dangerous Entities
Artifacts, Xenomorphs, or any dangerous aliens are not permitted on the station without first properly studying them and insuring they will not cause a threat to the station, and must be cleared by the Station Representative. Artifacts must remain in containment boxes at all times when inside the station. Any damage caused by the entity is the direct responsibility of the individual who transported it to Frontier.
Declared Salvage
Any vessel 300 meters away or further from the station, which has no active crew and is unresponsive on radio signals, may be claimed as legitimate salvage after multiple attempts are made and a period of 20 minutes waiting since the first attempted call. Vessels inside of 300 meters which meet these criteria may be moved out to 300 meters and salvage operation may begin.
Belligerent Vessels
All vessels operating within 500 meters of the station are required to have their IFF enabled. Failure to enable IFF after being ordered to do so may result in being classified as belligerent. Docking to another vessel without first gaining permission from them may be seen as a belligerent action. Failure to comply with the NFSD inside a declared no-fly-zone may be seen as a belligerent action.
Docking Rules
- Ships may not dock in excess of 10 minutes. A 10,000 Speso fine or forcible undocking may be used as punishment.
- Speeds within 200 meters of the station must be kept slow, such as to reduce EVA crews being marooned in space.
- Obstructing ports or safe space travel within 200 meters of the station is strictly forbidden, and may result in a reckless operation charge.
Docking Procedure
When a Space Traffic Controller (STC) is available, the following procedures will be observed by all vessels operating near the station. When contacting the STC, be sure to include the vessel's designation, such as LV-624, in your callout so the STC is aware of who is speaking to them. This communication should be handled over the Traffic Control radio, activated by using :d
- Hold position outside of 100 meters from the station and contact the STC for instructions and permission to dock, providing your intentions once aboard the station for docking context.
- Once granted permission, proceed to the dock you have been allotted as instructed by the STC.
- Slowly proceed to the docks, making aware not to strike any other ships or EVA crews and acquire a good docking contact.
- Declare departure and proceed under own advisement, clearing out to 200 meters from the station.
- OR
- Contact the STC request for departure.
- Proceed on course for the heading the STC gave you, staying clear of any possible collisions, and clearing out to 200 meters from the station.
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Salvaging | Expeditions · Asteroids |
NFSD | Space Law · Standard Operating Procedure |
Crime | Smuggling · Piracy |